
EuroDreams is a transnational lottery with long-term benefits for winners, as the top prizes are paid out over a number of years rather than all at once. Find out more about a game that launched in November 2023, and see the winning numbers as soon as they are available.

Latest EuroDreams Results

Mon 17 Feb 2025
  • 10
  • 11
  • 22
  • 33
  • 36
  • 37
  • 5

No jackpot winners

View previous draws

Prize breakdown

Match 2 Balls 377,310 winners €2.50
Match 3 Balls 61,348 winners €6.30
Match 4 Balls 3,953 winners €53.00
Match 5 Balls 101 winners €129.10
Match 6 Balls No winners €2,000.00
Match 6 + Dream Number Balls No winners €20,000.00

Tuesday's estimated EuroMillions jackpot:


Time remaining:

  • 0d
  • 0h
  • 0m
  • 0s


EuroDreams is jointly organised by the same national lotteries that operate EuroMillions, so you can buy tickets from most of the same countries or online.

Play the annuity lottery from France, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland or Luxembourg. It costs €2.50 per play. The UK does not participate at the current time.

Draws take place on Monday and Thursday nights, so you must just make sure that you purchase your tickets before the cut-off time.

About EuroDreams

EuroDreams was approved in 2023 after the participating national lotteries of EuroMillions proposed an annuity-style game. The idea was to offer a Europe-wide game that would offer better odds of winning than EuroMillions, with a jackpot that would provide long-lasting financial rewards instead of just a single payment.

It is a format that has been successful around the world, most notably in North America, and it primarily appeals to younger players.

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EuroDreams and EuroMillions Compared

EuroDreams and EuroMillions are aimed at different markets. While EuroMillions attracts those players who are looking to win the biggest jackpots – sometimes worth hundreds of millions of Euros – EuroDreams is targeted at lottery fans who want a steady flow of winnings over a long period.

The top two prizes in EuroDreams are annuitized – paid out monthly over many years – followed by a series of smaller prizes.

The odds of winning the top prize are also much more favourable in EuroDreams. The games are played in most of the same countries, but they have different draw days and are entirely separate.

How to Play EuroDreams in 3 Easy Steps

Lottery ticket icon

Step 1:
Pick your numbers

Choose six main numbers from 1-40 and a Dream number between 1-5. You can pick your own numbers or get a Lucky Dip if you want to play a random selection.

Calendar icon

Step 2:
Choose your draws

Decide whether to enter your numbers into the Monday draw, Thursday draw, or both. You can also play several weeks in advance to make sure you don’t miss out on a draw.

Bank card icon

Step 3:
Purchase your tickets

Buy your entries before ticket sales close, then just wait for the draw to take place. You can purchase tickets from authorised retailers, but playing online provides more security and convenience.

EuroDreams Prizes

The prize structure for EuroDreams is shown below. The top two prizes offer monthly winnings over a number of years. The jackpot is worth €20,000 a month for 30 years, while the second prize is €2,000 a month for five years. The following tables shows the full list of prizes.

How to Win Prize Odds of Winning
Match 6 + Dream Number €20,000 a month for 30 years 1 in 19,191,900
Match 6 €2,000 a month for 5 years 1 in 4,797,975
Match 5 Estimated €120 1 in 18,815.6
Match 4 Estimated €40 1 in 456.1
Match 3 Estimated €5 1 in 32.1
Match 2 €2.50 1 in 5.5

Frequently Asked EuroDreams Questions

What is EuroDreams?

EuroDreams is a new European lottery for players in most of the countries where EuroMillions is available. Draws take place on Mondays and Thursdays and the big difference is that the jackpot is an annuity – where the prize is paid monthly over many years – rather than a one-off lump sum.

Show/hide all FAQs

When did EuroDreams start?

EuroDreams launched with its first draw on Monday 6th November.

Does the top prize roll over if nobody wins?

No, the jackpot in annuity lotteries stays at a fixed amount in every draw.